What's Cookin
Developed and published Android app with team members as a part of CS446. Lets people explore food options in a fun gamified experience.
Prototyped app for CS449, connecting artists to hold pop-up performances with user interviews, personas, affinity diagramming, work models, paper prototypes, and high-fidelity prototyping. See Here for more details. Features my voiceover!
Personal music helper in React w/ MaterialUI to help accompany you and make some great music!
Android app that helps keep track of personal finances using image recognition on brand and item!
Simulating the eating experience in React Native using face detection and eTransfer API! (save money!)
Android app that loads some cute animals and allows you to rate them! Handles orientation change w/ RecyclerView. Part of CS349, contact for APK!
Java app of a simple breakout game. Calculates scoring and lives, and has simple physics with user-friendly controls (mouse/keyboard). Part of CS349, contact for executable!
Java app of a fully functional paint application. Draw with different shapes, colours, and line thicknesses, and load/save/export to clipboard. Part of CS349, contact for executable!
Disaster Simulator
Game built in Unity using C# to promote disaster preparedness and resiliency! First use of Unity!
Android app that allows you to keep track of your favourite reads! Tried implementing SnapKit. Made with Android Studio.
Webapp that uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) algorithms to predict mood and mindstate of given text (eg.diary entries), and alerts on at-risk mindstates and helps schedule events in Google Drive. React/Material-UI/AWS/Flask/Tensorflow. (Video Demo)
Mobile app that allows users to take pictures of leftover food, and using the Clarafai API, identifies the food and recommends recipes within the app. Built on the Ionic platform, with HTML/CSS/JS.
Website that advocates for a safer net, and teaches users to turn down cyberbullying. Includes an interactive quiz that uses the Leapmotion controller. Uses HTML/CSS/JS.
Turner Fenton Music Database
Microsoft Access Relational Database that keeps track of instruments, sign-outs, statuses and repairs. Uses SQL to run queries and generate reports on backend. Designed with functional frontend menus.
My own site, that you see right now! Exploring web design concepts, hosting, git version control, and playing around with CSS formatting. Hosted on Github pages, uses HTML/CSS/JS.